The United Kingdom’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) reprimanded Foxy Games for a promotional piece that suggested engaging in slots and bingo could result in financial well-being.

The inquiry originated from a Google search advertisement for Foxy Games that appeared in July 2020. The promotion, displayed when individuals searched for “earn income on the internet,” was titled “Earn Income on the Internet – Foxy Games – Play Online.” Those lodging complaints believed Foxy Games was recklessly implying that gambling was a viable route to financial stability. The ASA concurred, deciding that the phrase “earn income on the internet” insinuated users could generate a reliable income stream.

Foxy Games clarified that the advertisement was an error and had already been taken down. However, the ASA prohibited the advertisement from reappearing in its problematic format.

In a related investigation concerning a Betfair advertisement, the ASA determined that the promotion did not violate its regulations.

The televised advertisement showcased a man placing a wager while hurrying to board a flight, accompanied by the slogan “When the enjoyment ceases, stop.” The individual lodging the complaint contended that the advertisement depicted gambling as a higher priority than other facets of life, as it illustrated a man prioritizing gambling even when facing time constraints. The ASA disagreed, concluding that the man was not shown disregarding other obligations in favor of gambling, nor was gambling presented as an indispensable activity.

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By Jameson "Jolt" Lutz

With a Master's degree in Mathematical Biology and a Bachelor's in Environmental Science, this talented writer has a unique perspective on the biological and ecological aspects of gambling behavior and their implications for the sustainability and resilience of gambling ecosystems. They have expertise in population dynamics, evolutionary game theory, and ecological modeling, which they apply to the study of the biological and ecological factors influencing gambling behavior and the development of strategies to promote sustainable and resilient gambling practices. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a biological and ecological perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create healthy and thriving gambling ecosystems.

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