The Centennial State just made a significant move to combat gambling dependency. The Colorado Gaming Control Commission recently approved over $1.5 million in funding to bolster responsible gaming programs. This is a landmark decision, marking the first instance the commission has allocated funds specifically to address the negative aspects of wagering.

These resources will be utilized to support a range of initiatives, such as education for gambling therapists, public information campaigns, and even the creation of a new problem gambling facility in Colorado. Entities like the Kindbridge Research Institute, the Massachusetts Council on Gaming and Health, and the Colorado Problem Gambling Coalition are among the recipients of this financial support.

Commission Chair Richard Nathan stressed that while gaming can be a positive pastime for many, it’s vital to recognize that it can have detrimental effects on some. He views this funding as merely the start of Colorado’s dedication to tackling problem gambling and reducing its influence on individuals and families.

The Colorado Coalition for Responsible Gaming was thrilled to obtain three awards to bolster their efforts in the coming year. Peggy Brown, a representative of the Coalition, conveyed their appreciation to the Division of Gaming and the Colorado Gaming Commission for their dedication to ethical gaming practices. The Coalition anticipates utilizing these resources to advance their investigations and will deliver their discoveries to the commission upon the grant’s conclusion.

Contact the Author

By Jameson "Jolt" Lutz

With a Master's degree in Mathematical Biology and a Bachelor's in Environmental Science, this talented writer has a unique perspective on the biological and ecological aspects of gambling behavior and their implications for the sustainability and resilience of gambling ecosystems. They have expertise in population dynamics, evolutionary game theory, and ecological modeling, which they apply to the study of the biological and ecological factors influencing gambling behavior and the development of strategies to promote sustainable and resilient gambling practices. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a biological and ecological perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create healthy and thriving gambling ecosystems.

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