Catena Media witnessed a substantial 61% revenue leap in the third quarter of 2017, establishing it as their most successful quarter yet. This remarkable expansion was driven by a parallel surge in fresh depositing clients, which escalated by an astounding 79%. The firm’s calculated emphasis on casino and sports wagering, especially with significant spectacles like the Winter Olympics and FIFA World Cup approaching, seems to be yielding positive results. Their latest purchase of for $35 million further underscores their ambitious expansion plan, particularly as they seek to leverage the flourishing online gaming sector in Pennsylvania. Boasting a robust third quarter and a promising future, Catena Media appears poised for sustained triumph.

Concluding his statement, Ekdahl elaborated on the transition, noting, “Catena Media projects a phased rollout of its Pennsylvania endeavors, aiming for a complete launch over the coming nine to twelve months. We also possess several high-value domain names, including,, and This strategic move signifies an extension of Catena Media’s expansion plan, reinforcing our presence within the American market.”

Contact the Author

By Jameson "Jolt" Lutz

With a Master's degree in Mathematical Biology and a Bachelor's in Environmental Science, this talented writer has a unique perspective on the biological and ecological aspects of gambling behavior and their implications for the sustainability and resilience of gambling ecosystems. They have expertise in population dynamics, evolutionary game theory, and ecological modeling, which they apply to the study of the biological and ecological factors influencing gambling behavior and the development of strategies to promote sustainable and resilient gambling practices. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a biological and ecological perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to create healthy and thriving gambling ecosystems.

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